Chengqun Huang, M.D. Ph.D.
Staff Scientist
Peking Union Medical College / Ph.D. 1993-1998 / Molecular Biology and Biochemistry
Jiangxi Medical College / Bachelor 1985-1990 / Medicine
Positions and Employment
Senior Research Scientist: Bioscience center, San Diego State University. Dr. Roberta A. Gottlieb's Lab (1/2007-present)
Staff Scientist: The Scripps Research Institute, Department of Molecular and Experiment Medicine, Dr.Roberta A. Gottlieb's Lab (09/2003-12/2006)
Senior Research Associate: The Scripps Research Institute, Department of Molecular and Experiment Medicine, . Roberta A. Gottlieb's Lab (08/2003-08/2004)
Postgraduate Researcher: University of California, San Diego, Institute of Molecular Medicine, Dr. Dr. Kenneth Chien/Ju Chen's lab(4/1999-8/2003)
Research Associate: Peking Union Medical College, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Beijing, China. (07/1998-04/1999)
Physician: Center for Diseases Control and Province of Jiangxi Province, Nanchang, China. (07/1990-08/1993)
Memberships, Honors, and Awards
America Heart Association: Invited paper review: Apoptosis repressor with caspase recruitment domain is required for cardioprotection in response to biomechanical and ischemic stress. Circulation 2006 Mar 7;113(9):1203-12.
Huang C., Kim, L., Gude NA., Sussman., Roberta GA., Gustafsson. Juvenile anthracycline treatment contribution to heart in adulthood by impairing vascularization and cardiac stem cell function.
Basic Cardiovascular Sciences Conference 2008 - Heart Failure: Molecular Mechanisms and Therapeutic Targets. Keystone Conference Center - Keystone, CO
Huang, C.; Paromov, V.; Tsukada, Y.; Hamacher A.; and Gottlieb, R.A. Cardioprotective effect of cytochrome p450, sulfaphenazole, is mediated by redistribution of delta protein kinase C isoform. Symposium of AHA Scientific Sessions(Adenosine Symposium). Nov. 6, 2004. New Orleans, Louisiana, USA.
Huang, C.; Hollander, M.; Cai, C.; Sheikh, F.; Chu, P.H.; Evans, S.; and Chen, J. Embryonic atrial function is essential for mouse embryogenesis. AHA young investigator Forum. Sept. 13, 2002. San Diego, California, USA.
Huang, C.; Zhang, H.; Zhou, B.; et al. Genetic factor of hypertension, overweight, and insulin resistance. The 4th International Conference of Preventive Cardiology. 39B June 29-July 3, 1997. Montreal, Canada.
Huang C.; Zhang, H.; et al. Genetic factor and Insulin Resistance in Familial Hypertension. National Conference of Cardiovascular Epidemiology and Sina-China Symposium on Preventive Cardiology. April 4, 1997. China.
Selected Peer-Reviewed Publications
Iwai-Kanai E, Yuan H, Huang C, Sayen MR, Perry-Garza CN, Kim L, Gottlieb RA. A method to measure cardiac autophagic flux in vivo. Autophagy May-Jun;4(3):322-9, 2008.
Andrade J, Lam JT, Zamora M, Huang C, Franco D, Gruber PJ, Lu JT, Ruiz-Lozano P. Predominant fusion of bone marrow-derived cardiomyocytes. Cardiovasc. Res. 1;68(3):387-93. 2005 Granville, D.; Tashakkor, B.; Takeuchi, C.; Gustafsson, A.; Huang, C.; Sayen, M.; Wentworth, P. Jr.; Yeager, M.; and Gottlieb, R.A. Reduction of ischemia and reperfusion-induced myocardial damage by cytochrome P450 inhibitors. PNAS 101:1321-1326, 2004.
Huang, C.; Sheikh, F.; Hollander, M.; Cai, C.; Chu, P.H.; Evans, S.; and Chen J. Embryonic atrial function is requitred for mouse embryogenesis, for normal cardiac morphogenesis and for angiogenesis. Development. 130(24):6111-9, 2003.
Huang, C.; Zhou, Q.; Liang, P.; Hollander, M.; Sheikh, F.; Li, X.; Greaser, M.; Shelton, D.; Evans, S.; Chen, J. Characterization and in vivo functional analysis of splice variants of Cypher. J. Biol. Chem. 278(9): 7360-5, 2003.
Zhou, Q.; Chu, P.H.; Huang, C.; Chen, J.; et al. Ablation of cypher, a PDZ-Lim domain Z-Line protein, causes a severe form of congenital myopathy. J. Cell Biol. 155(4): 605, 2001.
Huang, C.; Zhang, H.; et al. The association between M235T variant of Angiotensinogen gene and familial essential hypertension. Chin. Circulation J. 14(98): 222, 1999.
Huang, C.; Ding, J.; et al. Scanning susceptibility gene for essential hypertension on chromosome I: sib-pair linkage analysis in a large pedigree. Chin. J. Cardio. 27(6): 432, 1999.
Ren, B.; Gong, M.; Zhu, D.; Zhang, H.; Haung, C. et al. A study on isolation of semi-purified rennin from human kidney. Foreign Med. Sciences (Cardiovascular Diseases). 25(suppl): 86, 1998.
Huang, C.; Zhou, B.; et al. The association between genetic factor of hypertension and the cluster of risk factors of cardiovascular diseases. Chin. Circulation J. 4: 143, 1997.
Huang, C.; Zhang, H.; et al. A study of genetic factors of hypertension to insulin resistance and other metabolic disorder. Chin. J. Hype. 5(3): 190, 1997.
Huang, C.; Zhang H., et al: Genetic factor of hypertension and overweight: Their relationship to insulin resistance. Chin. J. Cardio. 25(2): 112, 1997.
Viktor Paromov, Chengqun Huang, and Roberta A. Gottlieb. HPLC analysis of cytochrome P450 metabolites of arachidonic acid in perfused rat heart and coronary effluent. Cardiovasc J S Afr. 2004 Jul;15(4 Suppl 1):S1..
Huang, C.; Zhang H.; et al. Genetic factor of hypertension, overweight, and insulin resistance. Canadian J. Cardio. 13 Supple B, 39b. June 1997.
Research Support
Positional cloning of hypertensive gene(s) in Chromosome 1. Scientific Foundation of National Education Committee of China. 1996-1999, Principal Investigator.
Wide genome screening of susceptibility gene(s) in Chinese hypertensive pedigrees. Foundation of Natural Science of China. 1995-1998, Co-investigator
Linkage analysis of susceptibility gene(s) in chromosome 1, 9, 17. Scientific Foundation of PUMC & CAMS.1995-1998, Co-investigator.